Juan Hernaz's profile

Summer Campus - University of Oviedo

La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Oviedo) y el Campus de Excelencia Internacional organizan este año el I Campus de Verano de Humanidades para alumnos preuniversitarios. Una iniciativa pionera en España, orientada a presentar durante dos semanas, a través de diferentes cursos amenos y muy didácticos, los estudios que oferta la facultad a aquellos posibles alumnos que estén interesados. Una auténtica inmersión veraniega en las humanidades.
The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (University of Oviedo) and the Campus of International Excellence organize this year the First Humanities Summer Campus for pre-university students. A pioneering initiative in Spain aimed at present for two weeks, through various entertaining and very educational courses, studies offered by the faculty to those prospective students who are interested. A real summer dip in the humanities.
Summer Campus - University of Oviedo


Summer Campus - University of Oviedo

Commissioned poster for the 1st Humanities Summer Campus, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (University of Oviedo, spain), a pio Read More
